Why server-side tracking matters

Discover why server-side tracking is essential for e-commerce success. Learn how it outperforms client-side tracking, improves data accuracy, and future-proofs your marketing in the face of increasing privacy regulations.

Why Client Tracking Can Be Useless: The Future is Server-Side


Let's get real about client-side tracking - it's becoming pretty useless. Why? We're living in a world that's all about privacy now. With stuff like ITP (Intelligent Tracking Prevention), iOS14 changes, and Google ditching 3rd party cookies in Chrome come 2024, client-side tracking just doesn't cut it anymore.

Here's the deal: all these privacy moves mean your ad platforms are getting less and less data to work with. And you know what that means? Less bang for your advertising buck.

The digital world isn't showing any signs of easing up on privacy. So what can you do to keep your digital ad game strong? Enter server-side tracking.

Why Client-Side Tracking is on Its Way Out

Privacy Stuff That's Killing Client-Side Tracking

  1. ITP: Apple's Safari browser is making it super hard to track users across different websites.
  2. iOS14: Apple's making apps ask for permission before they can track you. Spoiler alert: most people say no.
  3. Google's Cookie Crackdown: Chrome's joining the no-cookie club in 2024. Firefox and Safari are already there.

What This Means for Your Ads

  • Ad platforms are getting way less data
  • They can't optimize your campaigns as well
  • You're not getting as much return on your ad spend
  • It's harder to tell which ads are actually working

Server-Side vs. Client-Side: What's the Big Deal?

So what makes server-side tracking so much better? Let's break it down:

Server side vs. client side comparison

It's pretty clear that server-side tracking has the upper hand here, especially when it comes to getting the most out of your conversion data for your ad platforms.

Why Server-Side Tracking is a Must for E-commerce

I use server-side tracking for every single e-commerce store I work with. No exceptions. As privacy becomes a bigger deal online, server-side tracking is the way to go for every e-commerce store out there.

Here's why it's so crucial:

  1. Nails Your conversion tracking: Makes sure every sale gets credited to the right marketing channel.
  2. Boosts your Google Ads game: Gives your Google Ads better data, so it can do a better job optimizing your campaigns.
  3. Future-Proofs your setup: Keeps you ahead of all these privacy changes that are messing with client-side tracking.
  4. Gets you better insights: Helps you understand how customers are moving through your site, even across different devices.

Getting Started with Server-Side Tracking

Okay, so how do you actually get this set up? It might seem like a lot at first, but it's not that bad when you break it down:

  1. Figure out what you need to track: Think about where your current tracking is falling short.
  2. Pick your tools: There are a bunch out there like Elevar, Segment, and Stape. Find one that doesn't make your head spin when you look at it, and is cost efficient for you specific needs
  3. Set it up: Most of these tools have templates and instructions that aren't too hard to follow.
  4. Test it out: Before you go live, make sure everything's working the way you want. You'll probably need to tweak some stuff.
  5. Keep an eye on it: Once it's up and running, check in on it regularly. Make little improvements as you go.


Look, server-side tracking is a big deal for businesses that want to really understand what's going on while keeping user info safe. It's not just a nice-to-have anymore - it's essential if you want to stay ahead of the game.

Yeah, it takes a bit of work to get going, but trust me, it's worth it. The future of digital marketing is all about balancing data and privacy, and server-side tracking is how you do that.

So don't wait around. Get started with server-side tracking now. Your future self (and your marketing budget) will thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still got questions? I bet. Here are some of the most common ones I get from ecommerce founders about server-side tracking:

1. Isn't server-side tracking way more complicated than client-side?

Not really. Yeah, it might seem that way at first, but with the right tools, it's not much harder to set up. Plus, once it's running, it's actually easier to manage and way more reliable.

2. Will server-side tracking slow down my website?

Nope! Actually, it's the opposite. Server-side tracking takes the load off your website, so pages load faster. That's good for your customers and your SEO.

3. Is server-side tracking more expensive?

It can be, but think of it as an investment. You're getting more accurate data, which means better ad performance and potentially higher sales. In the long run, it often pays for itself.

4. Do I need to be a tech whiz to implement server-side tracking?

Not at all. Most server-side tracking tools are designed to be user-friendly. If you can handle setting up Google Analytics, you can probably handle this too. And if you get stuck, there's always support or you can hire a pro.

5. Will server-side tracking help with my Facebook and Google ad performance?

Absolutely. With more accurate data, these platforms can optimize your ads better. That usually means better ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) for you.

6. Is server-side tracking compliant with privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA?

It can be, and it's often easier to make compliant than client-side tracking. But you still need to make sure you're collecting and using data correctly. The good news is that server-side tracking gives you more control over this.

7. Can I use server-side tracking with my current ecommerce platform?

Most likely, yes. Server-side tracking solutions usually work with all major ecommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, etc. Just check with your tracking provider to be sure.

8. How long does it take to see results from server-side tracking?

You'll probably notice more accurate data pretty quickly. But the real benefits, like improved ad performance, might take a few weeks to really show up as the ad platforms learn from the better data.

9. Can I still use Google Tag Manager with server-side tracking?

Yep! In fact, Google has a server-side version of Tag Manager. It's a great way to manage your server-side tags if you're already familiar with GTM.

10. I'm just starting out. Do I really need server-side tracking?

If you're serious about scaling your ecommerce business, then yes. It's better to set it up early than to try and switch later when you have tons of data and complex marketing campaigns running.

Remember, server-side tracking isn't just a fancy add-on. With all the changes happening in the digital privacy world, it's becoming essential for ecommerce businesses that want to stay competitive. Got more questions? Don't be shy - reach out and ask!

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