Why server side tracking matters

Learn how to navigate the decision on choosing which tracking solution you should choose for your ecommerce store


First off let's focus on reverting the title to "why client tracking can be useless"

Well in a more and more privacy centric digital world with the introduction of ITP (Intelligent Tracking Prevention), iOS14 and the fact that Google are sunsetting 3rd party cookies in Chrome in 2024 client side tracking simply won't cut it for when you need to hold all your marketing cost accountable for its performance and bring that data back to the platforms

ITP, iOS14 and Google sunsetting cookies will result in your advertisement platforms getting less and less data to optimize upon, and the lesser data these advertisement platforms have the less return you get on your advertisement investment.

The future for digital commerce is not showing signs on being less privacy focused, so what can you do today that will future-proof your digital advertisement investments?

Introducing - server side tracking

Core Advantages of Server-Side Tracking

So what are the advantages from having a server side tracking setup vs. a client side tracking setup? 

Server side vs. client side comparison

It's pretty clear that server side tracking has the upper hand when compared with client side tracking when it comes to maximizing and enhancing your conversion data that you send to your advertisement platforms

Server-Side tracking for ecommerce stores

I primarily use server side tracking in 10/10 instances were i work with an ecommerce store. As privacy becomes a big deal online, server-side tracking is turning into the new thing everyone ecommerce store should implement.

But how do you get started with something like this? It might seem a bit much at first, but it's actually pretty straightforward when you break it down.

Getting Started with Server-Side Tracking

First up, you need to figure out what exactly you need to track. Ask yourself how the current way you track things might be missing the mark. Understanding this will help you set up server-side tracking in a way that fits your ecommerce brand just right.

Then, it's time to pick your tools. There are a bunch of tools out there for server-side tracking. You've got options like Elevar, Segment and Stape. The key is to find one a platform that you find it easy to navigate around in and understand.

Next it's time to implement and connect the dots - Tools like Elevar and Stape comes with easy to follow templates and instructions that the majority can manage to setup.

Before you launch the whole setup, test everything to make sure it's working the way you want. You might need to tweak a few things here and there. Remember, it's about making small improvements over time.

Conclusion: Embracing Server-Side Tracking for Marketing Success

Wrapping it all up, server-side tracking is really beneficial for businesses looking to understand their operations better while keeping user information safe. It’s an essential step for staying up-to-date and making sure your business is ready for the future. It might seem like a bit of work to get started, but the benefits are totally worth it. Now's a great time to dive in and get going with server-side tracking!

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